Saturday, June 30, 2018

Another shot of that spiderco bug @copomroy

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I had an interesting convo with a friend about tactical pens. The consensus was that if you cant figure out how to use an already pointy object as a weapon then maybe you are TSTL. Even a wooden pencil can break skin, hell a BIC pen could be used as a weapon if needed. But when it comes down to it, if you have a metal pen as part of your #EDC isnt that enough? #penaddict #stationery #rsvp

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Sharp. #penaddict #stationery

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Under and over roasted beans. #homeroasting #coffeeroasting #coffee

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Pocket dump @nockco FodderstackXL #nobrandnotebook @baronfig card sleeve, @tombowusa mono one eraser, Click, @metalshopct OG Twist, a Bic Cristal in red, mini mint tin with some brass sharpeners, oh, and under all that a Kindle fire loaded up with enough #lesfic for my couple of days off. #edc #practicalcarry

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Look at this hatemonger, Steven Anderson, a "pastor" who thinks gays should be killed and travels internationally to preach that noise. He is also ok with slavery, because its in the bibull. He's #100daysofdickheads with a hearty #fuckthisguy #100daysproject #watercolor

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Here's Marco Rubio who decided to get upset at the word fuck and not that people were shot. So yeah #fuckthisguy and he's today's #100daysofdickheads #watercolor #sketching #artispolitical #artjournal

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