Saturday, July 27, 2019

Five 100g balls of pasta. This is the semolina. The semolina blend worked much easier but the 00 dough was silky smooth. Now for the tasting. #citysteading #urbanoasis #foodporn

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Egg pasta. Left is with 00 flour. Right is 50:50 semolina and all purpose. These will rest for an hour. Then both into fettuccine. The 00 flour required extra water to come together. 400g flour, 4 eggs, splash of EVOO, and a tsp of salt. #urbanoasis #foodporn #citysteading

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Pasta!!! #urbanoasis #citysteading #foodporn #inmymouth

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Pretty layers. #fermentedlife #sauerkraut #lactofermentation

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Still active. About a pint of the juice off my last batch of sauerkraut. I'll add 1/4 c of this to each of my lacto-ferments today and it'll get those all active and happy and making great delicious food. Sauerkraut, carrots, and ginger carrots. I want to try to make lacto-fermented onions too, but today will just be pickle solution. Nom nom nom. #fermentedlife #urbanoasis #citysteading #brew #activecultures

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