Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Basic chicken broth- one chicken carcass chopped, 3 or so celery stalks, 1 onion cut into mb 8ths, 3 carrots cut into 2 inch or so pieces, 3 cloves of garlic, handful of pepper corns, 1 anise seed, various herbs and bay leaves. Cover with water set on high in the slow cooker for 8 hours, them low for another 10. Overkill? Yes, but this is the best bone broth ever. If I had more time tonight I'd have thrown the carrots and carcass and onions maybe garlic I tot he oven and given then a hot roasting before drenching in water. I'll end up with 3 or 4 quarts of broth from this. Super flavorful and super easy. It'll get paired with some veggies, noodles, and eggs for some soup in a week or 2. I'll freeze some of it.

via Instagram

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