Thursday, November 14, 2019

New winter grow set up. Daylight led (5000k, 100watt equiv) in cheap $7 reflectors. Set up about an inch from the seedlings. These are peppers but the lettuce, bok choy, and swiss chard should pop soon. Then I'll pick up another couple of reflectors. I'll need to figure out a support system for the lights since the mic stand I'm using is only enough to support these 3 lights. Total cost for the reflectors and bulbs was under $20. . You can't see it but the macho peppers are ripening up under the LED grow light. The roots aren't all that healthy. I'm thinking about drilling some holes in the sides of the pot. Well see how it looks in a few days and then I'll figure out what to do with it. . #growshit #hydroponic #hotpeppers #plants #proudplantmom

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